Plano Pacers Running Club Frequently Asked Questions

How should I wear my chip?

Included below are instructions for the proper installation of the chip and strap.

Who are the Plano Pacers Running Club?

- The Plano Pacers Running Club was formed in 1978 by the City of Plano Parks and Recreation Department and a group of thirty local runners. The objectives of the Running Club were the promotion and encouragement of healthful running. The objectives were supported by stressing the fun and exhilaration of running and its contribution to physical fitness, weight control and health. The club was directed to stimulate and maintain motivation among runners by increasing communication among runners and prospective runners.
- The Plano Pacers Running Club has successfully operated as a family-oriented organization for four decades. It currently has over 700 members and is growing!
- Plano Pacers is for all ages and ability levels. Members include children and seniors. Members include recreational and competitive runners, families and people just wanting to improve their health.
- To that end it sponsors 12 monthly races and 12 "prediction" runs per year. Members also arrange weekly group runs for social running and training.
- The By Laws under which the club operates are available for public viewing. If you have any questions or comments about the by-laws, submit your question or comment from the Contacts page using the subject "General Inquiry".

View ByLaws

What are the benefits of membership and how do I join?

- Members enjoy the following benefits:
- Members receive free entry to the 12 monthly Saturday races each year.
- Members can participate in each of the 12 monthly Prediction Runs.
- Members can connect with other members to meet for group runs.
- Local running stores offer discounts to Club members.

Join or Renew Now

Monthly Race: Race Info

- When: The last Saturday of each month at 8:00am sharp.
- Where: Bob Woodruff Park in Plano at the pavillion.
- Description: One or two race distances depending on month, from 1-mile to 15K, plus a 1K for kids aged 0-12 years. See the schedule for this year below.
- Courses: Courses consist primarily of paved trails within the park. Turns are clearly marked, and the race director provides a brief description of the course before the start of the race. - Courses have at least one aid station with water.
- Kids K: The Kids K race is FREE but children (including members) must sign up during a registration period shortly before the Kids K race begins at the pavillion. Each child completing the course receives a finisher's ribbon. Medals go 2 deep for both boys and girls in the 0-6, 7-9 and 10-12 age groups. Parents are welcome to accompany children on the 1 kilometer course.

View Race Schedule 

Do members need register for each race?

Members with chips do not need to sign up or register, just show up with your chip and run. There is online registration available for guests. Children can sign-up in person right before the Kid's 1K race.

Monthly Race: Cost/Registration

- Members: Races are FREE to members and members do not have to register or declare the race they are running. Just show up and run using your assigned permanent chip. Our volunteers/timing system sort runners into the race they run at the finish line.
- Guests: Races cost $15 for non-member guests and guests may register online for the race before 6:00pm the Friday before the race. Guest bibs can be picked up race morning between 7:00-7:30am. 
- Kids K: The Kids K race is FREE but children (including members) must sign up during a registration period shortly before the Kids K race begins at the pavillion. Parents are welcome to accompany children on the 1-kilometer course.


Monthly Race: Race Rules

- Start: Please self-seed yourself by your expected pace so the start is not congested.
- Bib: You must wear a guest bib or a member's chip. Do not wear the bib/chip of another member/guest. That will mess up our results and runner history.
- Non members are welcome to run without a bib/chip, but please do NOT cross the finish line. This will cause problems and delays in processing the results.
- Path: Stay on the concrete path and stick to the right side of the path if at all possible. The path is a public path so be on the look-out for other people using the path and be considerate of their right to be there.
- Most Plano Pacer races use gun time at the start and chip time to measure the finish time. Some events use chip time at both the start and finish.  Inquire if it matters to you.

Monthly Race: Post-race

- Awards: An awards presentation follows the races. Trophies and/or ribbons are presented to (no duplicate awards):
- Top male and female in each race Overall, Masters (age 40+), and Senior (age 55+);
- Top three male and female age group finishers (depending on number of runners); Age groups typically span 5 years; however, the race director may modify the groups to better reflect the participants in a given race.
- Top three Clydesdales (male over 190 lbs) and Athena (female over 150 lbs). To participate as a Cyldes/Athena, see the race scorekeeper (the person with the computer) before the race.
- Kids K: Each child completing the course receives a finisher's ribbon. Medals go 2 deep for both boys and girls in the 0-6, 7-9 and 10-12 age groups. Parents may assist small children, but their finishing time will be marked as "assisted".
- Prizes: During and following the awards presentation we draw for valuable certificates from our sponsors. Make sure you get a raffle ticket after you run.
- Results: First place winners in each category are listed in the Sunday Dallas Morning News as well as in other local newspapers and running periodicals. Full results typically post to our Web site the day of the race.
- Socialization: While waiting for the awards presentation, hanging out after the races is a great way to meet fellow runners and talk about upcoming races, running injuries, training, etc. We serve food (usually bagels and fruits) and beverages.

Tell me about the Prediction Runs.

- When: the second Tuesday of each month at 7pm.

- Where: Chisholm Trail across from Schimelpfenig Library at 5100 Country Place Drive (1 block south of Spring Creek on the east side of Custer) in Plano.
- Description: Runners predict how long they will need to complete a 5K. The winner is the runner whose actual time is closest to their predicted time. No watches or other timekeeping devices are allowed on the course.
Cost/Registration: 5K Prediction Runs are free to all participants. Registration (and time prediction) takes place immediately before the run.
- Awards: Ribbons go to 20 runners who do the best job in predicting their times. Attendance usually varies from 20 to 50. Each year we keep track of the best predictors over the full year, and maintain lists of runners that have achieved the vaunted status of member of the "5 Second Club".

What running opportunities are there besides the sponsored races?

- There are informal running activities in the Plano area. These group runs are not sponsored by the Plano Pacers Running Club, but Pacer members often participate. 
- Plano has developed a rather extensive trails system where you can find both a variety of venues and some trails that connect to form long continguous off road runs. Chisholm Trail allows you to run 12 miles (out and back) while only crossing three streets. Bluebonnet Trail now runs from Preston on the west side to east of US-75. Arbor Hills near Parker and Midway in far west Plano provides both some of the best park hills in Plano and concrete and natural trails. Russell Creek Greenway and Hoblitzelle Trail connect the Russell Creek YMCA on McDermott all the way to Chase Oaks Country Club. Check out the trail system map and explore our city!
- The loop around White Rock Lake in Dallas is a very popular with members of the club and the area running community.

Plano Trail System

Dallas Area Trials

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